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is disorder that gradually rob people of their ability to remember, think, understand, comunicate and mental function.

Dementia is not a disease, but a group of symptoms that caused by various diseases and conditions. In some cases, dementia can be treated, however, in most cases dementia cannot be cured, all depend to the caused. It is also not a normal part of ageing. Dementia can happen to everybody, however, most with dementia are older people even actually most older people don't get dementia.

Most common symptoms in dementia

* Memory loss,

*Confusions and disorientation,

*Changing in personality and behaviour,

*Difficulties with ability to perform everyday tasks,

*Apathy and withdrawal,

*Lack of insight or judgement,

*Language problem, etc.

Most common caused of Dementia

*Various types of hydrocephalus such as brain Injury, infections and tumor,

*Diseases that affect blood vessels (Strokes )

*Neurodegeneration disease such Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, Lewy body disease and Pick's disease

*Toxic reactions (drug or excessive alcohol)

*Nutritional deficiencies (B12, Folat Acid)

Most commonTypes of dementia

*Vascular dementia is the term for dementia associated with problems of blood circulation to the brain. Those who have hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolaemia have a high risk of developing this type of dementia.

*Dementia with Lewy Body is abnormal structures called Lewy boddies which develop inside nerve cell in the brain. Visual hallucinations occur in about 80% of those who have Dementia of Lewy Body.

*Fronto Temporal Lobar Degenerations (FTLD) is the name given to group of dementias caused by degenaration in one or both of the frontal or temporal lobes of the brain.

*Alcohol related dementia is for them who have symptom of dementia caused by excessive alcohol and poor diet.

* Aids related dementia is caused by HIV virus.

*Alzheimer's disease is the most common type and caused in dementia.

*Huttington's & Parkinson's disease. Dementia may occur in the majority of cases in huttington's and in the late stage of Parkinson's.

Prevention. Some riset said that regular moderate consumtion of alcohol (beer, wine or distilled spirit) and mediteranian diet (more vege and Nut but less red meat) may reduce risk of dementia. New study found that daily doses of very high level of B vitamins (B6,B12 and folic acid) may delay dementia and slow brain shrinkage in elderly people with memory problem.

Treatment, only dementia caused by thing listed below is treatable, others just can't.
*Dementia due to drug abuse or alcohol abuse,

*Removable brain tumors,

*Normal presure hydrocephalus,

*Nutritional deficiency such as Vit B12 deficiency and folate deficiency,

*Subduran hematoma, accumulation of blood covering the brain that results from a broken vessel which happen from head injury.


*Acetycholinesterase inhibitors areapproved by the US's FDA for treatment of dementia induced by Alzheimer's disease. Its may be useful for other similar diseases causing dementia such as Parkinson or vascular dementia.

*N-methyl-D-aspartate Blockers (Memantine/Namenda) is can be used in combination with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.

Like what mention above, Dementia is not a normal part of ageing but its somehow considered as late-life disease because it tends to develop mostly in elderly people.