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Sinus Allergy

Sinus Allergy

There are classic Symptom of Sinus or allergy Rhinnitis, suffered by millions people in world- adult, children and even babies. Everybody knows someone who suffer with this irritating and miserable condition and you could well be that someone. When someone with sinus allergy comes into contact with the offending allergen, the usual result is a copious nasal discharge, congestion, sneezing and misery...

Should you suffer with the conditioning ourselves, you have to put up with a pocket or handbag full of soggy tissues, uncomfortable shifting and suspicious glances if you sneeze in a crowded lift. There is suddenly a three foot exclusion zone all around you. You can't blow your nose these days without people thinking you're the first one in the country coming down with bird flu.

Sinus Allergy caused by an exaggerated reaction in the nose when exposed to a substance or allergen that a person has become sensitized to. The commonest allergens are from house dust mites, dogs and cat, pollens and moulds. Some of the symptoms of sinus allergy are very common but should not be ignored - a runny nose, excessive sneezing (it can be 8 to 10 times in a row), itching nose (feel like scratching), sore throat, bad breath, watery eyes, postnasal drips which can be very irritating, loss of taste and smell and excess coughing, specially in the night. Any one or more of these symptoms are enough to make a person weak and fatigued all the time

Study has shown a doubling of sinus allergy over the last 30 years in many countries with no exception. What is less well known is that worsening air pollution may be the causing this alarming increase. Scientist have discovered that air pollutants from vehaicle and factories acan damage the lining of the nose and lungs. Thus allowing allergens to enter the body more easily. That'why more people in cities suffer with sinus allergy conditions than those who live in rural areas.