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Liquid of Beauty

Approximately 75% of the ody weight is water. Water maintains moisture in the body, transports oxygen to the blood and help carry nutrients through blood. Water also the important thing to comtrol our body temperatur, in fact..almost all biological function in our body requires the help of water.

Water naturally supresses the appetite amd helps the body metabolize stored fat. If the water intake is decrease, our fat deposit will increase. In logic, if we drink more water it will reduce fat deposit in our body.

If our body doesn't have enough water the system organs one by one will failure. Especially Kidney, this organ can't work properly without enough water in our system. The kidney failure will make our liver steps in to boost the kidney function. However, the extra work loadon the liver prevents it from another function. it's ability to metabolize fats quick and effisien and will increase the accumulation of fats in our body.

Normaly we drink 6-8 glass per day. And if we feed and adequate amount of water to our bodies, we should notice a decrease in our appetites. The best choice is spring water. Avoid tap and clorinated, fluoridated waters to eliminate substances that you do not need in your system.

Water has great anti inflammantory properties and will help your skin to be radiant, soft and supple--the  difference between a grape and raisin is in water. In your opinion, people.. which one more beautiful? Grape or Raisin?